18/07/10 Key Priority in Social Policy - The job creation program goes ahead of schedule

Дата публикации: Feb 09, 2012 1:29:33 PM



The regular meeting of the Senate Council of Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan dwelled upon the implementation of the job creation program in 2010.

The prognosticated program parameters have been carried out with a surplus. The amount of loan funds allocated at the expense of the Employment Assistance Fund under the Ministry of Labor and Social Protection of the Republic of Uzbekistan exceeded 2,143,000 soums. Thus, over 130,000 workplaces were created by means of establishment of small enterprises and microfirms, over 100,000 workplaces by means of development of all kinds of off-work including workmanship and folk trades, about 60,000 jobs were opened through the development of farms specializing in poultry keeping, cattle breeding, fish breeding, etc. Besides, over 90,000 jobs were established over the five month of 2010 within the implementation of the Anti-crisis Action program for 2009-2012. More than 42 thousand workplaces were opened by means of the implementation of the Development Program for Building and Improvement of Residential Areas alone.Loan funds allocated by banks for rehabilitation, expansion and development of business entities and establishment of new enterprises are of big importance in the process of establishing new jobs. Job fairs are important in successful employment as well.530 job fairs have been held all over the republic during five months. They resulted in employment of over 62,500 people.It is worth to remind that the program was designed within the execution of the report by the head of the state in the meeting of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Uzbekistan dedicated to the results of the socioeconomic development of the country in 2009 and core priorities of the economic program for 2010. The priorities comprise continuation and deepening of reforms, renovation and modernization of the country, absolute execution of the Anti-crisis Action Program for 2009-2010, ensuring of high and stable economy growth, its effectiveness, and strong social policy.