A network of monitoring centers for farms specializing in cotton and other oilseeds has opened in Uzbekistan

Дата публикации: Aug 03, 2017 4:45:25 PM

The main mission of the centers in each region is to ensure a clear account of cotton production, ranging from sowing to shipment. The new system should completely eliminate the human factor from this process.

All the cotton plants are equipped with electronic scales for weighing each batch of cotton, instrumental complexes to assess raw cotton. All the measurements are integrated into a single database that provides information on the quality and amount of incoming raw materials, as well as on mutual settlements with farmers.

In addition, video surveillance at all the factories allows online monitoring the amount and destination of cotton batches. Along with that, farmers received individual smart cards with all the data on their harvest.

The system provides access to all aspects of the activities of farms, procurement and harvesting of raw cotton. Today, there are more than 50,000 farmers in the republic. Monitoring of their activities reflects the processes ranging from the amount of fertilizers, water and the products they deliver.

Another interesting initiative is about the construction of a unique plant in the Surkhandarya region that can simultaneously process fine-fiber and medium-fibrous raw cotton.

A pilot project on the cultivation of specific fine-fiber cotton, the seeds of which were imported from Turkmenistan, has been launched this year in five districts of Surkhandarya region. There is a reason behind choosing this region. Such cotton requires specific conditions. It ripens longer and has a lower yield than medium fiber. But its fibers are longer, stronger and thinner, they are used to produce yarns and fabrics of the highest quality, for example, batiste and marquisette, with high price.

The new plant in the Sherabad district will distinguish by concurrent processing of local medium-fiber and fine-fiber raw cotton imported from Turkmenistan. There are a total of 98 cotton plants in the country. This year alone, the government will invest $17.1 million for the modernization and technological extension of twelve of them.

(Source: «Uzbekistan Today» newspaper)