Social partnership: multifaceted and efficient

Дата публикации: Nov 11, 2015 1:33:18 PM

Social partnership: multifaceted and efficient


Tashkent hosted an international conference on “Actual issues of developing social partnership of state governing bodies and civil society institutions in ensuring protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the population”.

The forum was attended by experts from Belgium, Germany, the United States and other countries, as well as representatives of chambers of the Oliy Majlis, ministries, departments, local Kengashes of people’s deputies, regional NGOs, mass media, diplomatic missions and international organizations accredited in Uzbekistan.

It was organized by chambers of parliament of the country, the National Centre of the Republic of Uzbekistan for Human Rights, the Independent Institute for monitoring the formation of civil society, the National Association of NGOs, Ministry of Justice with the support of the OSCE, F. Ebert Foundation (Germany), and USAID.

At the conference, the socio-political and legislative conditions of formation and development of social partnership in Uzbekistan, the role and place of civil society institutions in democratic renewal and modernization of the country, the basic principles, forms and mechanisms of cooperation of parliament, representative bodies of state authority at places with NGOs, civil society institutions and the mass media in development and discussion of socially significant draft laws were discussed. Particular attention was paid to mechanisms of interaction of law enforcement bodies with civil institutions in the sphere of strengthening the rule of law and protection of the rights and freedoms of citizens, consideration of international experience in this sphere.

During the conference it was emphasized that from the first days of independence, Uzbekistan, choosing its own path of reformation and modernization of the country, as a priority direction of democratic reformations determined the formation of a strong and open civil society, which protects the human rights, interests and freedoms, favorable conditions for the implementation of its potential.

— For a short time in Uzbekistan, a considerable work aimed at development of the system of independent, sustainable civil society institutions, enjoying the support of the public of civil society institutions as an essential component of formation in the country of a democratic constitutional state has been done, — said member of the Belgian Senate Dominique Tilmans. — I have participated in similar forums in Uzbekistan many times, observed the parliamentary and presidential elections in your country that allows me to objectively assess democratic reforms. Today, many NGOs of Uzbekistan provide reliable protection of democratic values, human rights and freedoms. Their participation in state affairs is expanding. Studying foreign experience of legal regulation of public relations, practice of formation of civil society Uzbekistan does not copy the models, but adapts democratic principles through the values ​​of Uzbek society. We fully support these processes.

The principle “From a strong state to a strong civil society” is developed and implemented, the essence of which is the expansion of the rights and responsibilities of civil society institutions, including the role of NGOs and their functions in protecting the rights, freedoms and lawful interests of people, ensuring wide participation of citizens in management and organization of their lives and society as a whole.

Favorable conditions created by the government, provided incentives and opportunities increase the activity of participation of these civil society institutions in managing affairs of society and state, contribute to increasing the social, socio-economic activity and legal culture of the population.

— Democratic reforms in the sphere of promoting establishment and development of NGOs are carried out in Uzbekistan systematically, consistently and gradually, on the basis of full consideration of development of the country and the growth of political and legal culture, social consciousness of the population, — said deputy of the Legislative Chamber of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan Shukhrat Bafaev. — They are closely linked to the processes of democratization and modernization of other spheres of social and state construction.

During the conference, it was noted that Uzbekistan has a reliable legal framework of establishing civil society, national infrastructure ensuring real independence of civil society institutions, material and financial support for their activities. This will strengthen the position of NGOs in the process of democratization of public life, state building, ensuring and maintaining the balance of interests in society, to become a counterweight to government agencies in political and social sphere, to advocate for democratic values, human rights, freedoms and legitimate interests.

— Civil institutions are intended to strengthen democratic values and norms ​​in the minds of people, promote the growth of political, legal culture and high spirituality, civic engagement, national consciousness of the population, to educate people in the spirit of self-esteem, independent thinking, responsibility and a desire to build the future with the own hands, — said the project manager of the Independent Institute for monitoring the formation of civil society Gulrukhsor Khatamova.

A new stage in revitalization and expansion of the scope of activities of NGOs, their authority in regulating affairs of society and the state opened the Concept of further deepening democratic reforms and establishing civil society in the country, adopted by Parliament in November 2010. Based on the Concept for the past 5 years, such important laws as “On Ecological Control”, “On the openness of activities of the state governing bodies and administration”, “On Social Partnership” and other legislative acts, which have great importance for dynamic development of civil society, were adopted.

As a result of wide public discussion in 2013, a law “On Ecological Control”, aimed at further strengthening public participation, NGOs in implementation of environmental control, monitoring the situation on protection of environment and public health in the regions of the country was adopted.

An important step in strengthening positions of civil society institutions became the adoption of the Law “On the openness of activities of the state governing bodies and administration”, which provides a broad public access, NGOs to information on the adopted decisions by public authorities, and especially those that affect the rights, freedoms and legal interests of citizens.

Great importance in ensuring further development of civil society was the development and adoption of the Law of the Republic of Uzbekistan “On social partnership”, which improved organizational and legal mechanisms of interaction of state governing bodies with NGOs, strengthening their role in the development and implementation of socio-economic development and legislative acts.

— It should be noted that prior to the adoption of this law the national legislation of the country consisted of more than 30 laws and more than 100 other normative-legal acts regulating certain aspects of the interaction between the government and NGOs, — said chairman of the council of the National Association of NGOs of Uzbekistan Abdumadjit Karimov. — At the same time, there was no single codified act of legislation providing for a coherent system of forms, principles, mechanisms of interaction between government and NGOs, as well as the rights and obligations of both parties, contained in various legislative acts.

Law “On social partnership” defines concepts, subjects, principles and main spheres of social partnership, perpetuates the notion of “social partnership” as an interaction of state governing bodies with NGOs and other civil society institutions in development and implementation of programs of socio-economic development, including industrial, regional and territorial programs, normative-legal acts and other decisions affecting the rights and legitimate interests of citizens. The rights and responsibilities of the state governing bodies, NGOs and other civil society institutions are clarified and delineated. Organizational, legal, procedural mechanisms of interaction of the state bodies with NGOs, forms and methods of participation of NGOs in addressing public and social problems, improving the socio-political, social and economic activity of citizens are being concretized.

— The law is of great socio-political importance, — said the expert of F. Ebert Foundation, on civil society Serge Embacher. — The process of developing the Law “On social partnership” showed how the state and society is interested in the interaction. Moreover, today, this law is being effectively implemented. Structurally interacting with the state governing bodies and administration, civil society institutions constitute effective channels of feedback between society and the state, are the agents of the interests of various strata of the population, providing thus the balance of interests in society, increase the activity of the population in solving urgent issues of socio-economic, social and human development, contribute to the welfare and well-being of people, strengthening of civil accord in society.

During June-July of 2015 sessions of Kengashes of people’s deputies of regions and Tashkent city, Jokargy Kenes of the Republic of Karakalpakstan under the representative bodies at places, public commissions on social partnership were formed, the creation of which is stipulated by the Law “On social partnership”. The commissions consist of deputies of representative bodies of local authorities, experts of relevant parts of khokimiyats, judiciary and finance bodies, NGOs.

— Activities of public commissions on social partnership will further enhance the role and responsibilities of representative and executive authorities at places for formation and free development of civil society institutions, as well as creation of new organizational and legal conditions, economic and legal guarantees for ensuring active participation of NGOs and other civic society institutions in democratic reforms and modernization of the country, — said deputy of Tashkent city Kengash of people’s deputies Nodira Umarova.

— Today, the law works successfully in practice — said member of the Senate of the Oliy Majlis of the Republic of Uzbekistan Sayyora Baratova. — In particular, the recently adopted laws “On sanitary-epidemiological welfare of the population”, “On physical culture and sport” and many others are developed with participation of NGOs in the sphere of sport, education of youth, health, and education.

— It is very important that at the stage of development the draft laws are published on the websites of concerned ministries and departments, the lower house of parliament, other resources, — said the head of Department on Supervision of financing and the quality of the office of cooperation with NGOs of the government of the Republic of Croatia Marina Lokert Sostarich. — It provides an opportunity for citizens to familiarize themselves with new norms and submit proposals in the interests of specific groups of the population, thereby increasing the legal culture of people, increasing their political activity and civil liability. In Croatia, much attention is also paid to the organization of public consultation on the adopted laws. This allows us to gather more opinions and suggestions, to reduce the distance from development to implementation.

Foreign participants of the conference noted that the economic, political and social reforms carried out in Uzbekistan are aimed at ensuring decent living conditions for people and a worthy place in the world community. Legislative mechanisms of social partnership are an important step in this direction.

— The Institute of social partnership in Uzbekistan not only makes it possible to involve the public in solving major problems, — says the deputy director of the office of the US Agency for International Development (USAID) in Uzbekistan, El Dorry Aley. — Effective dialogue of NGOs and government strengthens the role of the state. We know many examples. For example, the NGO “Istikbolli avlod” is effectively cooperating with law enforcement agencies in combating human trafficking, which, of course, increases the effectiveness of measures implemented by the state. The Law “On social partnership” in the development process was discussed at all levels, in international forums. Now further strengthening and development of cooperation of the state and society will depend on its effective implementation.

Following the conference, recommendations and proposals aimed at further development of social partnership of the state bodies and civil society institutions in ensuring protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the population were developed.