22/02/11 - Babur’s 528th birthday marked

Дата публикации: Jan 19, 2012 1:30:44 PM

The 528th birthday anniversary of the great poet and statesman Zahiriddin Muhammad Babur was marked in the country on 14 February.

The Ministry of Public Education held literary forums, reading and poetry evenings, meetings and seminars devoted to the poet at all schools and libraries.

One such event was held at school No.234 in Almazar district of Tashkent. Its participants said Babur’s heritage played an important role in upbringing the young people in the spirit of kindness, humanism and love to Motherland.

The participants of the event competed in a contest of essays devoted to Babur and performed plays on the stage about his life and work.

On the same day, a conference on the teaching Babur’s works was held in the Central institute for training public education staff named after Abdulla Avloniy.

“The rich heritage of our great ancestor Babur has a great importance in the teaching process,” Kuvandik Jumaniyazov, teacher of Uzbek language and literature from Ellikkala, Karakalpakstan, said.

“Poetry events and meetings with writers and poets held in our school help students expand their knowledge and develop their creativity,” he added.